励志英语之一 -九游app官网下载
don’t compare your insides to someone else’s outsides
the first time i heard this excellent, if hard-to-implement, advice, i was suffering from a terrible case of envy. some competitor or other had achieved an inspiring degree of success and i was complaining to a mentor about how unachievable it seemed to me. her warning took me aback: look, she told me, you have no idea what it took for them to get there. don’t act like this was unearned, effortless, or pure dumb luck.and for pete’s sake, don’t go thinking that because you read the press release, you have a single clue about what’s really going on behind the scenes.
she was absolutely right. i knew better, yet in the moment that i’d heard the news, i fell prey to reactive thinking and over-simplification. because it’s much easier to look at someone “up there” and envy what they’ve got than it is to ask the tougher questions:
what do they have that i wish i had?
what do i admire about them? what are they modelling for me?
what have they done to get where they are today?
how does this relate to my own values?
when we reflect on these questions, we shift immediately out of comparison mode and turn inwards, to face the heart of the matter: our own desires and fears.
transform comparison into celebration
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